Add or Edit Email Account on iphone

These instructions work on iphone Mail software for many iphone versions. We've used them for clients on iphones 6 to 14. Mailserver information on this page is for our clients who use Axmail email hosting.

First find Settings amongst your iphone's apps & icons, & touch on it. The Settings icon looks something like this: istock_iconfinder_apple_settings_icon.svg

Edit Email Account Server Settings

Scroll down to Passwords & Accounts (it has a grey key icon); touch Passwords & Accounts & then touch your email account under the Accounts heading.

Incoming Mail Server Settings

Touch the Host Name field, replace with:

Outgoing (SMTP) Settings

Touch the SMTP field, then touch (at bottom of list) Add Server:

  Host Name:

  Username: your email account name

  Password: your email password

  Save (right side, top of screen).

Under Other SMTP Servers, touch the server name to check its Outgoing Mail Server settings are right:

  Use SSL: on

  Authentication: Password

  Server Port 587 cannot be edited; it is linked to 'Use SSL'. Port 587 will work fine from your iphone.

Top left of screen: touch Back. Scroll down below Outgoing Mail Server to Advanced; touch to check Incoming Settings:

  Use SSL: on

  Authentication: Password

  Delete from server (POP accounts only): "never" is fine if you set your PC or Mac to leave messages from server for X days after download and you regularly check emails from your computer. But if you mostly use your phone for email: select Seven days here.

  Server Port: 995