Domain Name Registration

Renew or register domain names easily with Bizazz's simple, personal service. No online accounts needed: no missing passwords, no complications.

We update your domain records for you, transfer registrations or register new domains quickly and without fuss. As a domain reseller for the Australian company Synergy Wholesale, Bizazz keeps track of your domain renewal dates, passwords and account details.

  • Your domain name need never expire
  • Greater security & convenience for busy workplaces and for NFPs with changing staff/volunteers
  • Easily identify scam domain renewal invoices without fear that your domain will suddenly expire
  • Don't lose control of your domains if a staff member leaves or your email address changes.

For our hosting clients, renewing domains through Bizazz is an easy one-stop solution. But you don't even have to host your website with us to use our domain services.

  • What is a domain reseller?

    A domain registrar processes domain registrations in accordance with international and Australian requirements.

    The domain registrar can either deal directly with the domain registrant (like you) or work through a domain reseller (like us). A domain reseller on-sells domain services for a number of registrants.

    Bizazz applies our 'personal service' model to our domain services. We go the extra mile.

  • What does Bizazz do better?

    Our clients don't need to manage their own online accounts or learn to use a complex interface.

    • We renew domain names, register new domains, transfer domains, arrange 'change of registrant' after a business is sold, manage domain passwords & update clients' domain contact records. You might need to fill in a brief form online or click on a link for high-security requests like change of registrant for .au domains. We'll manage the rest.
    • We help our clients to understand domain rules & how these impact their business.
    • We are a consistent contact point. Your domain records are safe, no matter what happens in your business.
  • Why use our domain service?

    Too often, domain names don't get renewed on time. Websites go down and emails no longer arrive. It's bad for business, bad for reputation and bad for search engine rankings. Here are some scenarios we've seen affect businesses and incorporated groups managing their own domains:

    • the email address which the domain registrar sent renewals to, was cancelled
    • real domain renewal invoices were deleted along with all those scam emails; domain expired
    • staff left or a committee changed, and no one could access the group's account at the domain registrar
    • business changed ownership without a proper handover of domain registration. New owners weren't the legal registrants of their website's domain name & could not renew it.

    Most businesses (and we hope yours does) get busy. Due dates can get overlooked. When it's a critical item like your website's domain name, that spells trouble. Solve your domain dilemmas simply via a reliable, experienced domain manager.

  • Do you provide domain extensions besides .com and

    Bizazz accesses a huge range of domain extensions for specific nations and special purposes:, .com, .org, .melbourne, .college, .info and many more.

    We help you work out what's most useful for your business. We'll be honest about the pro's and con's of various domain extensions and the wisdom (or not) of buying up extra domains to protect your 'online identity'.

  • I renew my domain names myself; can I still host my website with you?

    Yes! If you're a star at managing your business's domain names, go for it. As your hosting provider, we will need your domain name password at times. Make sure you know how to access it easily.

    You can change your mind at any time; just ask Bizazz to transfer your domain to our reseller account.

Synergy Wholesale Pty Ltd acts as the preferred registrar for Bizazz Pty Ltd. Bizazz Pty Ltd uses ethical and responsible practices for our domain services.