Website Privacy Policy

Last updated: 13th May 2024


This document sets out our privacy policy for our website users.

In this policy, "us", "we", or "our" means the registered partnership Bizazz Pty Ltd trading as SuttonNet, ABN 26 663 037 554, owner of this website.

We may review and update this policy at times, including taking account of new or amended laws, new technology and/or changes to our operations. All personal information held by us will be governed by the most recently updated policy.

Information we collect online

We collect the following personal information via our websites:

  1. Contact details and requests, comments and other information voluntarily supplied by you;
  2. Web statistics recording the paths taken by visitors through the websites. This information is generally only recorded against IP address; it is not usually attributed to individual visitors. Statistics include:
    • the type of browser you are using,
    • the date and time of your visit,
    • your IP address,
    • the address of any website that referred you to ours, and
    • the addresses of pages accessed on our website and any documents downloaded.
How we collect data

Web statistics are recorded by our server. Contact and other details are collected when supplied by you via our website forms or otherwise.

Why we collect it and how we use it

We collect your contact and other details:

  • to respond to requests or queries you raise, and
  • where an opt-in facility is provided: to keep you up to date with news, special offers, and other marketing information which you opt-in to receive.

We collect website statistics:

  • to measure and monitor the performance of our website,
  • to estimate interest in our products and services,
  • to refine and update our website's content, and
  • to monitor our website for violations of the terms of use or any applicable laws by visitors.

As hosting providers, we or our server provider may request identifying information - which may be obtainable from your IP address - from your Internet Service Provider in the event of suspected, attempted or actual abuse of this website or of the server on which it resides.

How & why we disclose data

We may disclose your contact details or business information to third parties under the following circumstances:

  • as part of renaming, sale or reorganisation of our company,
  • when explicitly authorised to do so by you,
  • as required or authorised by any applicable law,
  • as part of an investigation by us or our server provider into your bona fides or your activity on our website (including to your Internet Service Provider or network administrator),
  • if we or our server provider have reason to believe that you have committed a breach of any of our terms of use or have been engaged in any unlawful activity, and we reasonably believe that disclosure is necessary (including to the police or any other enforcement body, or to your Internet Service Provider or network administrator), or
  • to lessen or prevent a serious threat to a person's health or safety.

We do not otherwise supply your private or business information to third parties.


Cookies are tokens containing small amounts of information that are passed between a web browser and server. They may be used for various purposes, including to retain information between visits if you return to the website at a later time.

We may use cookies for website statistics or for other reasons deemed necessary or desirable for the function of the website.

You may opt out by turning off cookies in your browser. Disabling cookies may result in reduced website functionality.

Opting in and out

If you supply us with your email or postal address, you may be asked to opt in to receive marketing information from us by email or other means. You may opt out of receiving this information at any time, by contacting us in writing.

Information management and security

You acknowledge that the security of communications sent by electronic or other means cannot be guaranteed. You provide information to us via the Internet or in other ways at your own risk.

All reasonable care is taken by us to ensure the security and confidentiality of private and business information that we hold: that it is not lost, misused, or inadvertently provided to unauthorised third parties.

  • Our website retains a current security certificate, which encrypts data between server and website user; both the webpage content and information which is submitted via online forms.
  • Our website's server is managed by specialists to industry standards for website and data security.

Access to information collected by this website and/or held in the website's database is limited to:

  • authorised Bizazz personnel, and
  • in the case of a server or website malfunction which we cannot rectify, and which could require database access to identify and/or fix the issue: our server provider's support team, for the duration of the incident.
Contact us

You have the right to seek access to and update or correct the information we hold about you. If you make an access request, we may ask you to verify your identity. We may charge a fee to cover the costs of meeting your request.

If you receive any communication purporting to be connected with us or our products or services that you believe has been sent to you other than in accordance with this policy, or in breach of any law, please contact us immediately.

If you have any questions or complaints about how we collect, use, disclose, manage or store your personal information, or would like to request access or changes to the information we hold, please contact us in writing by email or by post to:

Bizazz Pty Ltd
413 Stewartfield Rd
Bolaro NSW 2629