Website Maintenance

Do you look after your website as you would any other business asset?
Whether it's words, webpage layout, extra photos or secure software, Bizazz can help keep your website performing at its best.


Why update website text and photos? Of course if your business, your product range or your target market change, it's a no-brainer. But if these don't change, why bother changing your website?

  • Keep site visitors coming back and interested.
  • Help convert that interest into trust, leading into purchases. Regularly updated webpages can demonstrate your knowledge/skills, customer service, approachability & the quality of your mechandise.
  • Show potential customers that your business is alive and well. A website with a 10yo copyright notice doesn't inspire confidence
  • Maintain search engine rankings. New information helps keep your website prominent: preferably high on the first page of search results for the most relevant & common search phrases.

How often you need to update your website depends on your industry, your target market and your competition.

Use the Bizazz content management system to update your webpages

Edit webpages yourself using the Bizazz content management system. Add new pages, edit text, alter headings, create links, add new photos. Bizazz automatically builds search engine-friendly code and a mobile phone-friendly page layout.

Or you can ask us to do this work for you. Whether it's a one-off job or regular updates, we edit webpages quickly at reasonable rates. Small changes (such as updating contact details in the website header) may be covered by your hosting fee.

Email us for help with webpage content


Free updates

We maintain much of the software used by the websites we build, at no extra cost to our clients. This is covered by managed webhosting. PHP updates, newly developed features & improvements to your site's Bizazz version, server software updates are all part of the service.

Paid upgrades

We charge for the following:

  • New or altered facilities/code that you request: eg change ecommerce products layout, alter website colour scheme, add photo gallery or database;
  • Changes to your custom web applications;
  • Software updates to Wordpress websites which we host. We charge a small annual fee for the frequent security fixes and other updates for these sites. Updates come in several times per week for most WP sites.
  • Major site software upgrades, which may be necessary every 4 or 5 years. (Cheaper than rebuilding your website from scratch!)

Old sites

Software ages. Old website software becomes more vulnerable to hackers. It doesn't combine well with newer technologies: browsers, hardware, new software that interacts with your site. Older web programs may also fail to meet security requirements.

Is your old website still easy to use? Graphic designs age. Some web designs simply don't function well in this 'smartphones to wide screens' era. We believe that a website's appearance is servant, not king. So we won't advise you to update your website design just for this year's fashion stakes. But if your website looks like it was put together in the Internet Dark Ages.... take action!

Websites that we build have often lasted 10 years or more and remained productive with occasional updates/upgrades to the underlying software. That's one reason why our clients stay with us. We aim for longevity in sitelook & structure, minimal upkeep and maximum site life (high ROI on your initial outlay) - and it works.

SuttonNet's old website shown on a laptop on table
SuttonNet - the way we were

There comes a time though, even for Bizazz-built websites, when you need to invest in a new website. Don't be shy to discuss this important step with us. It might not be a big task. This is a great opportunity to review your business's online goals.You know more about the needs & possibilities for your business online than you did when you first had the website built.. You probably have resources on the old website (eg keyword-rich text) that you can re-use or adapt.

Start planning your new website with help from Bizazz.