Compare our Web Design & Hosting Services

Bizazz custom-builds every website based on extensive client consultation. We don't provide definitive quotes without talking with you in detail about your goals & needs.

On this page we show you our starting prices and what you get for your $. If anything is missing that your website will need, just ask.

There's a form on this webpage to help you explore what you need from your new website. Print or save the completed form for your own use; it's free. You can also send in your form to Bizazz and ask us for a quote.

    • Compare prices

      How can anyone compare web development and webhosting value? Do you know what features to ask about? There are very few standards or even standard definitions. Some features touted in CAPITAL LETTERS by web service providers don't mean much; or they are so basic that every website has them. Conversely, important items might be missing from very cheap or DIY services.

      Eg: When upgrading from an older website, your developer needs to ensure that all webpages are redirected correctly. Then your website doesn't lose its hard-won search engine rankings. It can take months to recover Google rankings if page redirects aren't done right.

    • Upfront costs & ongoing value

      Check out all ongoing costs, & the quality of service & support you will receive:

      • webhosting
      • email hosting (does the webhost offer custom domain email hosting?)
      • website or hosting support
      • website software licences
      • plugin/theme licences
      • essential software updates (who will install them, if you have to DIY, how difficult is it?)
      • search engine optimisation & digital marketing.

      Watch out for hidden extras: eg ecommerce providers & payment gateways might charge annual fees &/or percentage fees per sale.

      Service levels - If your website's server goes down on a Saturday night, who will fix it and when? Try our managed webhosting backed up by 24/7 technical support and leave the worrying to us.

      Search engine rankings - By starting out right with a well built website and well written webpage content, many businesses don't need to budget for exorbitant ongoing search engine optimisation (SEO) costs. Very few of our clients need SEO help.

      Longevity - A Bizazz website is built to last for many years. You can add features over time: eg more webpages, ecommerce, re-arrange pages in the menu, new layouts or colours. That's faster and cheaper than creating an all-new website every few years, as your business grows.

    • Our inclusions

      Our Standard Website Inclusions
      Item Website Ecom Site
      Extensive consultation, multiple opportunities to check & approve drafts
      We expect to spend 15-20 hrs carefully crafting & coding a website for best results
      Responsive design (webpages adapt automatically to fit any sized screen)

      Fast, SEO friendly design and hosting

      Security and reliability are high priorities
      We focus on security & performance in your website's code and in webhosting
      Redirect pages from your existing website to new webpages
      Important for ensuring a seamless upgrade; helps customers & search engines to find your new site
      Home page - full layout with images & text 
      Created from your photos, graphic design, text &/or notes
      Standard contact form on your specified webpage
      Auto email sent to your preferred email address whenever a site visitor submits the form
      Contacts database

      Unlimited webpages
      Create new pages and add text & photos yourself; or ask us to build extra webpages for you
      Powerful content management system (CMS)
      Bizazz CMS built & maintained by us: find out more
      Training to update your website, with ongoing support

      Webpage metadescription for every page that we prepare for you (important for search engines)
      Then follow our examples & easy instructions to create effective metadescriptions yourself for other pages, as you build them with the Bizazz CMS
      Search engine indexing
      Use the Bizazz CMS to re-index your website at one click, whenever you update webpages
      Security certificate Yes
      Free Let's Encrypt certificate or higher level business authentication
      Own-domain email accounts available
      Fast secure Australian-based email hosting
      Free software updates for the life of the website
      Bizazz CMS updates, php upgrades
      Ongoing support & accountability
      Contact us any time if you have queries or concerns about your website or email
      Ecommerce system
      Bizazz ecommerce system
      Products database with easy updates, webpage layout designed to suit your products
      Options include updating products via customised product editing interface &/or spreadsheet, stockcount, multiple product photos, video or audio files...
      Training to manage ecommerce, add & edit sales items

      Unlimited products
      One or 100 000 - who's counting?
      Your choice of shipping & payment methods

      Several of your own products preloaded, as a pattern for you to follow - Bizazz doesn't show fake sample data that you can't delete

    • Our prices: websites & hosting

      Websites start at $2000; ecommerce sites start at $4500 (prices ex GST).* We also offer mini websites (without a content management system) at heavily discounted development & hosting prices.

      Price goes up for a 'ready to go' site with full text & imagery, page layout and search engine optimisation across all the website, rather than just the main pages. Advantages are consistent layout and quality, and you'll have your website 100% complete & generating sales faster. It's up to you whether you want to save on upfront costs or get online faster.

      Managed Hosting & Licence Fees (per year, ex GST)* - Bizazz Standard Sites
      Standard Service
      Managed webhosting
      Managed ecommerce webhosting
      Bizazz content management system licence   65
      Bizazz ecommerce licence 140

      *Prices valid at June 2024

      For more info on our managed hosting, software licences and client support: visit our Web Services page.

      To host websites built on other software (Wordpress, Joomla etc): different rates and conditions may apply. Contact us for more information.

    Your website plan

    Basic requirements

    How much I will put into creating my website...
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