Growing Websites for Growing Businesses

Bizazz supplies website design, web app (applications) programming, website databases, webhosting and related services. We do this with a 'people first' ethos, focussing on quality products, integrity and personal service.

Who we are

Bill Sutton

website development, web app programming, server management

  • BA (Computing Studies)
  • web programming & webhosting specialist for 20 yrs
  • 40 years of programming experience, from giant mainframe computers to smartphones
  • likes: weather, mountains, cross country skiing, local history, healing the land, real conversations
Diane Sutton and Annie pony

domain name & ssl /tls certificate sales, webpage content, hosting, admin

Diane Sutton
  • BA (Hons) in linguistics with pure maths thrown in
  • ex public servant, Scripture teacher, Pony Club instructor & homeschooling mother
  • likes: riding her Welsh ponies, natural horsemanship, writing poetry, reading New Testament Greek

We are older and greyer than some website developers. That means we aren't as one-eyed about online marketing methods or new trends as some in this industry. We've been in the field for many years. We've seen online fashions come and go.

What's special about our work


Bizazz tailors each website individually. Every web development project includes extensive client consultation. You get our best answer for your business needs.

Bizazz websites are built to last. You can add features as your business grows or changes emphasis. Staged web development plus website longevity help our clients achieve the best results within their budget.

Bizazz websites are fast, easy to navigate and structured to rank well with search engines. Most of our clients never need expensive or ongoing search engine optimisation (SEO). We don't sell specialised SEO services. Instead, we provide software that does much of the work along with guidelines to help clients use their industry's search keywords to best advantage. (However, not everyone wants to write or update their own webpages, . So we also offer sensibly priced, professional webpage creation & editing.)

Integrity & service

We value honesty in our commercial and personal relationships. We care about our clients and their businesses. Many clients have been with us long term and have become our friends.

Bizazz runs on personal service: no call centres, no support tickets.

About Bizazz Pty Ltd

Bizazz Pty Ltd t/a SUTTONNet is owned by Bill & Diane Sutton. We serve growing businesses:

  • in the Snowy Mountains/Monaro region: Cooma, Jindabyne, the NSW ski fields, Adaminaby and Berridale;
  • in Victoria, NSW and Queensland, currently ranging from Melbourne to the Toowoomba & the Gold Coast.

We work from home near Adaminaby. Like many home business owners, we vary our work hours to fit in family, home and community interests. Clients are welcome to visit us for a chat or to talk over website plans.

We love to meet with our clients face to face. We aim at several trips per year, visiting clients further afield.

Why does SuttonNet's website have a drawing of a wombat?Our children have long since left the wombat hole. One lives interstate, and one is married with a family of his own in Scotland.

The heart and focus of the Suttons' lives is Jesus the Messiah, our risen Saviour and King.

Wondering about the wombat? It  comes from a family joke involving a local wombat plague, a very persistent member of the species Vombatus ursinus and a poem by Diane.