Webhosting & Email Hosting
Managed hosting takes the stress off our clients. You don't need to do anything; we do all the technical work of managing your webhosting & liaising with mail server support. Expert managed webhosting and email hosting for businesses and not-for-profit organisations in NSW, ACT, Victoria, Queensland... anywhere.
Cloud hosting
- Reliable high speed, high security SSD web server
- Hosts Bizazz-managed services only
- Configured for top website performance with minimal downtime for maintenance
- 24/7/365 support
Flexible hosting plans
- From one-page sites to large websites
- Multi-site & ecommerce plans
- Own-domain email accounts
- Email-only hosting for one or many mail accounts
- Big discounts for clients with 4 or more email accounts: family-friendly
- Customised plans for your unique needs
Stress-free managed hosting
- We take care of your hosting needs: you don't require any IT expertise
- Daily automated website & database backups
- Emails are encrypted when stored on the mailserver; antivirus & antispam protection
- Friendly personal service
- Over 20 years of experience in managed webhosting for S-M businesses, incorporated groups and individuals
What we do for your hosting $
- We install your website correctly on our server and ensure that the website keeps running.
- We manage all email settings on the server (eg set up new email addresses).
- We select the best servers for our clients' websites to be fast and secure.
- We hire our server from a company with proven reliability, high performance and expert 24/7 support. As long term customers, we get excellent prices for this top quality service.
- We ensure that any webhosting or email hosting problems are fixed quickly, by us or the server specialists that we work with.
- We answer your queries about just about anything web related.
- We maintain everything needed to run ecommerce, including secure credit card transmission protocols.
- We collect AWS website statistics for each client.
- We protect our servers and the websites on them against hacker attacks, viruses and malware. We block attempted attacks and repel any infiltrations.
- We upgrade our servers to keep hosting software & hardware secure, fast and up to date.
- We research trends and changes in Internet, website and email technology. We help clients understand and respond to changes that affect them.
- We enjoy meeting clients at their business premises or ours (at our home near the Snowy Mountains NSW).
Who has access to the Bizazz webserver?
Our staff and our server's 24/7 professional support team, almost exclusively. That's important to protect your website from inexpert server use or malicious attacks.
- Our webserver hosts our domains and our clients' domains only.
- Because we supply managed hosting, most of our clients never access the server interface. Clients can use our content management system Bizazz to edit their sites, process online sales &c. Hardly any clients need to log in via SFTP to update their websites, because Bizazz is so comprehensive.
- SUTTONNet's personal service model means that we know our clients. They run legitimate businesses or NFPs. They aren't motivated to hack other websites, create spam or insert malware on websites.
Why you won't want to host your Bizazz site anywhere else
Bizazz hosts every website that we build.
- You have an ongoing business relationship with your web designer. You can easily ask questions, request changes or have extra features added to your site. We're accountable for our website services: if there's a bug, we fix it.
- We help you make the most of your content management system, ecommerce and contact databases and email campaign software.
- Your website code remains inhouse on our secure server. It's not available for unauthorised copying or for hackers to study the code and attempt to break in.
- We update your site's software to keep your website running well when browsers and Internet standards change. We test for any impact on your website and adjust code as needed. The process is mostly seamless, with no interruption to your website services. These updates are usually part of our managed hosting service. A major upgrade of base software after 4-5 years of site operation will incur fees.
If you decide to leave our hosting service, you won't lose your website altogether - unlike with some other website platforms. You can take your Bizazz site elsewhere as a static site and even add other software to it. But features such as the content management system & ecommerce system won't work off our server. (If you leave & alter the site: make sure that you & your new webhost/developer comply with intellectual property & copyright laws & with the IP provisions of our Client Services Agreement.)
Our other services
Domain names
- Domain registrations & renewals for Australian & overseas domains
- We look after all passwords, expiry dates & renewals for you: a boon for organisations with ever-changing committees
- Simplify your website services by using one supplier
Website security certificates
- Security certificates installed on all websites that we host, for a small setup fee only
- Option to buy an EV or OV certificate, to show that your site belongs to a genuine business
- Site seal gives extra assurance for customers
- Certificate installation included for domains hosted on our server
Webpage updates
- Webpage editing, new webpages, layout changes
- Better SEO and improved visitor response to your webpages
- Web statistics analysis
- Ongoing or ad hoc service; you stay in control of your website budget