Web Applications & Data Management

The database advantage

Does your business need to collect data online?

Keep confidential information secure, on a website database designed and built for your business.

That SuttonNet wombat knows about secure placesBizazz websites easily link customer and enquirer databases to a mailout facility for targetted email campaigns. Define mailout groups via customer's location, interests, previous purchases, or whatever matters to you & your customers.

Your Bizazz ecommerce database can store product specifications, prices, discounts, stockcount, online sales and more.

Our websites use database technology to safely store and manage ecommerce invoices, customers' records, product data & information gathered via website forms. Bulk changes (eg product prices) can be made quickly, by uploading a spreadsheet.

A well designed database easily organises and searches data, and creates customised reports. It helps to ensure data integrity and usefulness.

  • Database entries are viewed and managed via user-friendly Bizazz interface.
  • Data is protected via secure login. You have full access control; other staff can log in to update webpages, but they can only view customer, product or sales records with express permission from the User permissions panel in Bizazz.
  • Your data is securely stored on our virtual private cloud server, with hardware & software security designed & maintained by experts.
  • Data is backed up daily.
  • Information passing between our web server, you & your customers is always encrypted. This keeps confidential data safe while it's in transit around the Internet.

Applications programming

Want your website to work harder than most? Bizazz is ready for clients who think outside the square and want unusual, useful website applications. We help businesses to create innovative websites.

Maybe you need to correlate statistical reports from staff in different locations; link online sales to your bespoke accounts system; or let online buyers customise products to buy from your website. Ask us for a quote!

Why choose Bizazz?

Our main programmer Bill Sutton has decades of experience in programming from mainframes to mobile phones. He succeeds at challenges that other web developers give up on. Check out our portfolio of unique effective web applications designed for our clients.

Our websites are longlived - many clients have stayed with Bill for 10-15 years or more, through the growth of phone-friendly websites, HTTPS protocol & vector graphics. Their websites have passed through many programming language updates, browser changes & webhosting software upgrades...and are still secure, easy to use & successful.

With many years of programming experience & a groundup knowledge of website technology, we can assess realistically whether your idea can succeed online and choose the most effective technical route. We aren't restricted by a single website theme, approach or method that we know best and follow for every site. We create customised, fast websites on secure software writtento exacting standards: flexible to endure industry changes and the rising expectations of Internet users, tailored to clients' requirements.

Contact us by email or phone 02 6462 0002.

About $

If your budget is tight, here are some tips to help you afford a high performance, customised website. 

  • Don't re-invent the wheel. If you have an effective graphic design, or if your brochure text works for you - adapt or re-use these on your website and save time & money.
  • Be clear about your objectives & stick to them. Avoid impulsive project variations that add little or nothing to sales outcomes.
  • Break an ambitious project into stages. Make each stage count: higher profit margins, improved work efficiency, etc.
  • You, your staff or family members can help test the site during development (only if you are logical & thorough though!). This saves on paying for web developer's time. We expect & encourage client involvement to speed up production & ensure that the website exactly meets your needs.

Most of our clients are small-medium businesses that need to watch cashflow carefully. At Bizazz, we love to make highend web services available to smaller players. Together we can outsmart the big corporates & keep everyday business personal and people-friendly!